St Anselm's: Purpose and Ethos


The Promise
Quilt: "The Promise"


St Anselm's is a Christian community seeking to live the positive values of openness, acceptance, affirmation, encouragement and mutual respect. These values, together with the underlying philosophy of working things through with God in mind, are the guiding principles of parish life.
St Anselm's Union Church seeks to draw people into a caring Christian fellowship by providing:
We try to do this in a manner that provides opportunity for individual spiritual growth.

Expressing Our Mission

Our Parish



St Anselm's has a form of ministry shared between the Parish Council, guest preachers and members of the congregation. The Parish Council is primarily responsible for:
Members of the congregation share in the ministry and worship in many ways such as:


Worship services consist of:
A typical Sunday morning service follows a standard order in a relaxed and informal atmosphere. After the whānau/children's talk and offering, the whānau/children go to Sunday School or Crèche. Special events such as birthdays and anniversaries are acknowledged during "news time".

Pastoral Care

Everyone in the St Anselm's community has a parish visitor who keeps in regular contact. Visitors report regularly to the Pastoral Committee convenor. The Parish Council has overall responsibility for the care of the parish. Prayer chains are available.
The following groups also provide a community network within the parish. Current groups are:


St Anselm's emphasises the importance of major decisions being made through congregational meetings. The congregation delegates the daily operation of the parish to the Parish Council and various committees.
The Parish Council consists of the Chairperson, the Secretary, the Treasurer and about five elders. Elders are generally appointed to the Parish Council for up to six years (two terms of three years).
Parish Council is appointed by the congregation to:
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